Every child must come to school daily in school uniform.
- Boys: Green T-Shirt ,Navy Blue-Half Pant School's Woollen Sweater
- Girls:Green T-Shirt ,Navy Blue-Half Pant School's Woollen Sweater
- Boys: Regular- Trowen LW Biue-Half Pant ,Check Shirt-(Navy Blue, White & Red) from Class-I to V. Winter- Trowen LW Blue-Full Pant ,Check Shirt(Navy Blue, White & Red, School's Woollen Sweater) from Class-I to V.
- Girls: Regular-Tunic-Trowen LW Blue , Check Shirt-(Navy Blue, White & Red ) from Class-I to V. Winter-Tunic - Trowen LW Blue , Check Shirt-(Navy Blue, White & Red) , Stockings-(Air force) School's Woollen Sweater from Class-I to V.
- Boys: Regular-Trowen LW Blue - Fuli Pant ,Check Shirt (Navy Blue, White & Red) from Class-VI to VIII. Winter-Trowen LW Blue - Full Pant ,Check Shirt (Navy Blue, White & Red, School's Woollen Sweater) from Class-VI to VIII.
- Girls: Regular-Divider - Trowen tw Blue , Check Shire (Navy Blue, White & Red) from Class-VI to VIII. Winter-Divider Trowen LW Blue , Check Shirt - (Navy Blue, White & Red) ,Stockings (Air Force) School's Woollen Sweater from Class-VI to VIII.
- Boys:Regular- Trowen LW Blue - Fulf Pant ,Check Shirt- (Navy Blue, White & Red) from Class-IX to XII. Winter-Trowen LW Blue - Full Pant ,Check Shirt (Navy Blue, White & Red, School's Woollen Sweater) from Class-IX to XII.
- Girls: Regular-Divider - Trowen LW Blue , Check Shirt (Navy Blue, White & Red) from Class-IX to XII. Winter-Salwar - Trowen LW Blue Check Kurta - (Navy Blue, White & Red) , Jacket - Trowen LW Blue *School's Woollen Sweater from Class-IX to XII.
Above Mentioned dress on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
- Tie- Navy Blue with White Strip
- Socks- White with Navy Blue Strip.
- Belt - Navy Blue with White Strip
Note: White tracksuit and house wise T-Shirt (Re, Yellow, Green, Blue) on every Wednesday & Saturday.

All the students, Staff and Teachers are suggested to deposit any personal belongings found in the campus with the Principal, who, after verification, will give the same to the student whom it belongs to.
All the Students are given the facility of reading and borrowing Books, Magazines, etc. from the Library.
Career Public School has created its own Website as The Website has been created with a view to incorporate latest Information Technology' for the use of Students and Parents. The Website gradually will become the great resource of Communication amongst Students, Teachers, Parents and other Agencies.