Fee Rules:-
- Fee is charged on the academic session basis only for 10 months. For convenience of parents this fee is to be paid in 4 equal installments in the months ofApril, July, October & January of each session.
- Late fine of Rs. 200/- per month (of both School & Bus Fee) will be imposed ifthe installments are not paid as per the above given schedule.
- Real 2nd brother/sister concession of Rs. 250/- per installment and 3rd real brother/sister concession of Rs. 750/- per installment will be given.
- All Installments (ofboth School & Bus Fee ) are to be paid from ISt to 10th of the months as mentioned above from 9:00 am to 02:00 pm only.
- All Fees are strictly non refundable and non transferable under any circumstances.
- Please bring Fee card at the time offee payment. Fee will not be accepted in absence offee card.
- Only the students, whose all dues are cleared before each test and examinations ofthe school will be allowed to appear in the same.
- Please ensure collecting fee receipt immediately at the time of payment.
- No Fee is to be paid without any receipt.
- We encourage digital payments. The details of the same are given below :-
Library Rules:-
- Library will remain open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
- Strict silence must be observed in the Library.
- All books have to be returned within 7 days.
- If the books are not returned on the particular date a fine of Rs. 5/- per day, per book will be imposed.
- Magzines are not for issuing. They have been referred in the library only.
- No student is authorized to pass on a book taken from the library to anyone else.
- If a torn book is brought back, student will be charged a fine according to the price of the book.
- If a book is lost, it must be replaced immediately or the student should report to the Principal.
- Book must be returned in time before the start of the Examination.
- A student guilty of disobedience to the librarian or of disorderly conduct is liable to be debarred from the use of the library.
Rules for Parent:-
- You are requested to go through this almanac everyday as it is one of the links which bridges home and the school. Please pay special attention to the teachers' remarks & advise your ward accordingly. Two pages have been reserved for your remarks, please feel free for any remarks regarding the child's progress.
- You are also requested to check the report cards before signing, the school bag in order to ensure that all the relevant books are kept as per the time table after completing home work assigned for the next day.
- Children who are ill or are detained at home application for leave must reach to school without delay duly signed by the parents.
- Parents can meet the subject / class teachers of their wards but after taking permission of the principal only. You should not enter the class room directly on any ground.
- No exams, even the orals will be held before or after the given date.
- Parents are requested to keep in touch with the school & pay all dues in time regarding the progress of their children.
- In case of accidents school will provide only First Aid, other related expenses will be borne by Parents / Guardians.