Dear Students and Parents,

It is my pleasure and privilege to address you as the Director of Career Public School. We are pleased to inform you that our association with the International Brand Purple Turtle last year has resulted in the excellent overall development of children. Purple Turtle is a pioneer in bringing world-class education content creators, animated characters & the latest technology-aided learning content in Early Childhood Education. Purple Turtle school books, storybooks, activity books, animation, rhymes, videos, games, apps, and merchandise have their presence all across the globe. This has also helped the school grow to become one of the most renowned and best schools in Korba, Chhattisgarh. Our vision and mission have been appreciated globally and thus, the school is regarded as the best private school in Korba.
I am very glad that the students and teachers of Career Public School have formed 'Green Korba Cluster' to inculcate awareness among themselves and the citizens of Korba towards our mother nature and environment. As a social initiative, Green Korba Cluster of Career Public School is installing a "Seed Ball Machine” on its Campus. Owing to heavy deforestation, all of us need to plant maximum trees. Career Public School, realizing its social responsibility, aims to plant 1 Lakh trees in and around Korba with the help of its students and parents.
As a parent, you certainly want the best for your child and we are indeed happy to be working with your hand in hand to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face future challenges. We strongly look for your wholehearted support in this joint endeavor.

We are proud to be regarded as the best CBSE school in Chhattisgarh and promise to keep growing and giving children the best.

Thank You, with warm regards.
Career Public School

Prof. Pradeep Jain,

Group Director
Career Group of Institutions